Janathon Day 10


So, it’s day 10 and I did a heck of a workout. Besides my walking lots of miles, I completed a half marathon, in Sitges, near Barcelona. It was a nice day, perfect temperature, excellent conditions until the wind picked up but hey… it was the same wind for us all!

Got there, dropped my bag, get out and I hear «1 minute to start»… eek, that’s cutting it close! Get in line and we get started. At km 3 I manage to catch a friend whose back I could see for a while but couldn’t reach. I see some other people I know. I focus on finishing.

I am NOT  a fast runner. I run for fun, that’s all. The plan was running the first 5K and then doing 4:1 and I sort of stuck to that, only that some intervals I just ran and never stopped to walk. I am always an end-of-the-pack runner and I’m more than ok with that.

But today things went great and I feel very happy and proud. I PR’d by 9 minutes… I cried my eyes out… I’m ready for my 30K next Sunday!

Thank you Janathon!

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